Holly gained a BA(Hons) in Sculpture from Wimbledon School of Art in 1995, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Sculpture from The City and Guilds of London Art School in 1998, and completed a Master’s Degree in Design at the University of the West of England in 2020. She lives and works in Somerset, in the United Kingdom.

Artist Statement
Holly Bennett makes sculpture of people, animals and unusual creatures, which she uses as metaphors to tell an internal narrative. She works with great consideration, integrity and humour, and communicates through direct visual impact and shared emotive response. She creates sculpture that is exciting and moving, and which speaks to an audience who is interested in engaging with areas of deeper significance within our lives.
The original sculpture is modelled in wax and then cast as a limited edition into a vibrant British-made ecoresin, which creates an aesthetic that keeps the beautiful translucent qualities of the wax, while remaining accessible to a wide audience