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Mystical Matters

Sale price$310.00 USD

Artist: Marguerite de Geus
Certification of Authenticity:
Apricus Art Collection
Signature:Signed by Artist


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Artist Biography

Born in Hellevoetsluis, The Netherlands in 1984, Marguerite de Geus started painting at a very young age. She was raised in a religious family, her grandfather was a minister at the protestant church. When she went to St. Joost school of Art and Design in Breda (Netherlands), she fell in love with philosophy, and soon it became clear to her that her already fading religious beliefs were finally destructed by Nietzsche’s nihilistic words. One of the artist that influenced her most was Francis Bacon.His raw honesty and working with coincidence had a great influence on her way of working. Some years later, she graduated from Willem de Kooning Academy and got nominated for the yearly Drempel price award. Her work was bought by an art collector, and she was asked to show her work at gallery Vonkel in The Hage.

After this great success she felt the need to turn inwards. She discovered meditation and Buddhism that helped her to be conscious of her own thoughts and question who she really was. A constantly changing process like all phenomena are or something that is always present and never changing? In many ways this was a turning point in her life. The Esoteric, meditation, shadow work and rituals became a constant inspiration and reoccurring theme in her work. At the present time she’s living in Rotterdam where she keeps on exploring the magical realms of her inner world and spirituality through painting, collage techniques and performances.

Artist Statement

Marguerite de Geus shows us a world; hér world, where the esoteric and the spiritual play an important role. A world in which man is not placed above nature, but in the middle of it, and where the intuitive comes first, before the rational and the cerebral. Her paintings are dreamy and enigmatic, based on photography sessions with the people we see appear in her paintings and collages. The surrender in these sessions is not about resignation or passivity, but about trust, closeness and intimacy, about being open to the unknown.

Her latest work consists of a series of abstract paintings. These are the outcome of a meditative practice. Starting without a vision or story to tell, what is it that remains? This organic and vibrant formless awareness that is always present. These paintings are een ode to the space that's always here and everything springs from. It wants nothing and lets everything happen.