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Ruben Cukier



Born and raised in Buenos Aires in 1964, Cukier chooses colors and shades that reveal a yearning for a less superficial, less deceptive reality. The forms, dimensions and colors give shape to dreams and nightmares, and even allude to a notion of hope. Humor is used to reflect fears, habits and desires that most of us deny and suppress deep within.​
​The dictionary defines surrealism , as a style of art and literature, stressing the subconscious or non-rational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects and unexpected juxtapositions.​Ruben Cukier ,surrealist painter, born and raised in politically violent Buenos Aires, is a member of an illustrious roster of artists who's vivid imagination and fantasy informed their art making.​Visual artists from Salvador Dali, Fernando Botero , Dorothea Tanning and writers such as Jose Saramago, Carlos Fuentes and Franz Kafka, to name a very few, have mined the rich subconscious for imagery. unexpected juxtapositions that, at first, are baffling and thought provoking but when considered more closely, produce a frisson of recognition. The recognition of dreams, fears or thoughts that we ourselves may have experienced at one time or another. That is why, I feel, his paintings are so appealing. Ruben Cukiers paintings depict images and ideas that are, not only pleasing and visually stunning, but also somehow universal and timeless.

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11 products




Painting Surrealism 'E QUESTA NAVE DOVE STA ANDANDO' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'E QUESTA NAVE DOVE STA ANDANDO' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$2,645.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'CATHEDRAL' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'CATHEDRAL' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$3,645.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'THE CONSCIENCE' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'THE CONSCIENCE' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$3,545.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'SHADOWS OF WAR' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'SHADOWS OF WAR' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$2,645.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'MOTHER CARE' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'MOTHER CARE' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$3,545.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'MORAL EYE' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'MORAL EYE' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$2,645.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'MASS MEDIA DISINFORMATION' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'MASS MEDIA DISINFORMATION' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$3,545.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'ELCHE' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'ELCHE' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$2,545.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'BEE DESTINY' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'BEE DESTINY' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$2,145.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'BATTERY OF DREAMS' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'BATTERY OF DREAMS' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$2,545.00 USD
Painting Surrealism 'ANGEL OBSERVATORY' Ruben CukierPainting Surrealism 'ANGEL OBSERVATORY' Ruben Cukier
Sale price$2,145.00 USD