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Luigi Di Mauro


Luigi Di Mauro

Luigi Di Mauro: Italian-Brazilian painter and graphic designer since the 1980s.

He produces figurative and abstract works, usually on canvas, where colors dominate the look. In the figuratives, he seeks in the simplicity of the lines to portray contemporary behavior and preservation actions; while in abstracts, he creates visuals with connections between colors through organic shapes that suggest movement.


With increased international visibility, he began work aimed at highlighting the importance of the environment, producing pieces with a theme of nature preservation, mainly the Amazon rainforest. This line includes the seriousness of the projects of the Cristalino Ecological Foundation, chosen to receive part of the proceeds from the sales of the works as a donation.


The artwork Shapes of Samaúma tree is now part of the permanent collection from the Haegeumgang Theme Museum, South Korea.

Artist Statement

My art represents the desires and joy that art should promote, with my organic shapes in harmony of colors that lead the viewer to feel and travel through their own emotions.

Abstract Acrylic Art Contemporary Figurative Geometric Painting Looking for brighter days Luigi Di Mauro
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Abstract Acrylic Art Contemporary Figurative Geometric Painting Weaving the connections Luigi Di Mauro
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Abstract Acrylic Art Contemporary Figurative Geometric Painting Looking for a new beauty Luigi Di Mauro
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Abstract Acrylic Art Contemporary Figurative Geometric Painting Shaping inner strength Luigi Di Mauro
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Abstract Acrylic Art Figurative Geometric Painting Looking for a colorfull life Luigi Di Mauro
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Abstract Acrylic Art Contemporary Figurative Geometric Painting Looking for expansion of the soul Luigi Di Mauro
Sale price$750.00 USD