Susan Stewart, an American artist currently residing on Cape Cod, has traversed a diverse artistic journey. A former soloist with the Joffrey Ballet in New York City from 1977 to 1983, she later pursued studies at the Ecole Superieure d’art Annecy Alpes in the city of Annecy, France, transitioning from murals, sign painting, and poster design to fine art. Returning to the United States after 30 years in France, she now calls Cape Cod home. Susan's paintings serve as a canvas to transform and reinterpret her most poignant memories. Focused on achieving harmony between color, movement, shape, and rhythm, her work often draws from music, society, and nature. Her pieces encourage viewers to reflect on the complexities of human existence, blending elements of the past into dreamlike, fabricated memories. Beyond the visual realm, Susan's artistic goal is to encapsulate these stories, creating modified reminders of her life's experiences and souvenirs. With her direct, primitive freshness and use of Fauvist color, Susan wants to create a world that "enhances the life" of others, often bringing spectators to ask themselves questions around the events occurring in the painting, involving the viewer mentally as well as visually.