Leticia Lacy has spent over two decades immersed in the world of television animation, contributing her talents to iconic programs such as "Star Wars Clone Wars," "Power Puff Girls," "Rugrats," and "The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse." Her roles have included art direction, background painting, and visual development, showcasing her versatility and creativity. In 2023, Leticia transitioned into the realm of fine art, embarking on a new chapter with her series titled "California Dreaming." This collection serves as a metaphor for "diving into the unknown," blending vintage California vibes with a distinctly female perspective. Inspired by the courageous life changes she observed around her, Leticia's paintings capture the essence of venturing into new horizons and embracing the "free fall of life." Through dreamy cloudscapes, iconic California palm trees, and vibrant color palettes, Leticia invites viewers to explore the stories of transformation and possibility that define her work.